Fellows Database

 National Center for State Courts Fellows Database
 Welcome to the ICM Fellows Directory. We encourage you to read the Directory instructions provided on this page to learn how to take advantage of the search capabilities of the Directory and quickly access contact information for ICM Fellows.

Clicking the “Fellows” link at the top of this page will direct you to a page that provides an alphabetical listing of all ICM Fellows and current Fellows profiles. Contact information is only available by clicking on the “Login” button where you will be asked for your Username and Password. If you are a Fellow and have not received your Username and Password you can do so by contacting ICM at fellows@ncsc.org.

Once you have logged into the Directory, you will be able to view contact information for ICM Fellows. You can also update your own “Contact Info” by clicking on the “Edit My Info” button next to your name. When you have completed changes, click on the “Save Changes” button and the Directory will update automatically. Please note that ICM does not update Fellows contact information in the Fellows Database. All updates are done by Fellows. If you are unable to contact a Fellow and you suspect that the contact information is out of date, you may contact ICM at fellows@ncsc.org to inquire if we have any updated contact information.

You can search the ICM Fellows Directory by using the pull down menu at the top of the page. This function allows you to sort the database by Graduation Year, Last Name, State, etc. Results for searches are returned in alphabetical order. By clicking on the letters across the top of the page you can view all results for that letter.

This secure database was designed for the exclusive use of ICM Fellows and we request that you do not share your username and password with others.

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